Why You Should Be Organized


Amirah Jabr, Staff Writer

Organization is a great habit to use with school, work, or anything. Being organized can come in many different ways depending on the person. Sophomore Shayne Harms, says that she stays organized by “using notes in my phone, to remind me where I put things.” Harms organizes herself using her phone to set reminders of important dates or things to do.

To organize yourself, you have to find what works for you. Harms advises people to “just try and find what style works for them.” This applies to students trying to find a way to be organized. There are many tips and tricks to organizing yourself. Sophomore Maryjane Dominguez says, “separate your classes with folders and it helps to separate graded work with tabs.” This trick could benefit students to figure out their homework and classwork without the extra stress.

To become organized you have to have some sort of motivation. Dominguez’s motivation to start organizing her work was school and the frustration of finding papers in my backpack. School can be a motivation to start organizing your work if you haven’t already. Motivation for organization can also be about getting to college or setting yourself up for the future. Harms states “the idea of getting into a UC (University of California).”   

Organization can also help you pass your classes. Harms says, “organization helps me pass my classes because I never lose assignments and never forget to do an assignment.” Setting a habit of organization can help you to not forget your assignments and pass your classes. Organization can be a helpful thing throughout your life. Organization can help students in college, and with their career in the future.

Becoming organized takes commitment and adjusting. At first, organizing could be challenging but, it will help you in the long run. Dominguez says, “I became organized by conditioning myself to file my classwork into the subject it belongs to.” When you start having binders, folders it really does help.

Anyone can be organized, you just need to have the motivation to do it. Dominguez says, “yes, you just gotta really condition yourself to it.” Students can be organized, they just need the passion to actually achieve that. Organization can be a key to a successful education. Having a skill that students need when they go beyond high school is convenient.